Quakers in Kenya: Exploring the Faith of East African Friends
There are more Quakers in the East African country than anywhere else in the world, and their numbers are growing.
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There are more Quakers in the East African country than anywhere else in the world, and their numbers are growing.
Well-known Quaker pacifist George Lakey shares his lifetime of nonviolent activism.
We’re exploring ways that spiritual discipline has helped Quakers connect with the Spirit today and throughout history.
We know many people love poetry, but it can also feel opaque. So, we called up two Friends who have found a home both in Quakerism and in verse.
A message of getting lost and being found by the still small voice of the divine.
Lifelong Quaker Bayard Rustin was the architect of the 1963 March on Washington, a mentor to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and an international peace activist.
We share first-hand stories of Friends whose spiritual courage led them into the heart of the movement.
Award-winning singer-songwriter Carrie Newcomer has been called a “prairie mystic” for her meditative, poetic lyrics and folk-infused melodies.
Are Friends still called to wear bonnets and broad-brimmed hats?
What can Friends of different generations learn from each other?
What can we learn from Black Friends?
This year, we’re exploring the life and work of spiritually courageous Friends like Bayard Rustin. We’re delving into burning questions about Quakerism. We’re going inside Quaker meetings across the U.S. and the world.
You've reached the end! (or is it the beginning?)
You've reached the end! (or is it the beginning?)