This week’s episode:

Using both the pulpit and the page, Quaker pastor Philip Gulley has been a bold voice that challenges the church’s stance on heaven and hell, LGBTQ issues, and more. Episode details.

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Recent Episodes:

"Our Top 5 Episodes of the Year" - blurry images of podcast episode artwork

Our Top 5 Episodes of the Year

There were so many memorable moments in Season 2 of the podcast that we had to revisit a few for our final episode of 2024.
Engraving of James Nayler with a Santa hat on and Christmas tree illustration in the background.

Do Quakers Celebrate Christmas?

‘Tis the season to answer one of the Internet’s most burning questions…Do Quakers celebrate Christmas? We called up Friends from around the globe to find the answer(s), and you might be surprised at what they say. 
Two Quaker figures stand behind voting booths with a red and blue curtain behind them.

How to Vote Like a Quaker

On the eve of a major U.S. presidential election, we’re exploring what it means to be a politically engaged Friend.
Background of random letters with nonprofit abbreviations larger and bolded. Headline: What Are There So Many Quaker Organizations?

Why Are There So Many Quaker Organizations?

We’re exploring the impact of Quaker nonprofits, from the AFSC’s chocolate soup for German children during World War I to our own Thee Quaker Project reaching Friends and seekers in the Internet age.

Thee Quaker Podcast

A Weekly Quaker Podcast for Seekers, Quakers, and Everyone in Between

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What Do Quakers Believe?

Unlike most Christian traditions, Quakers intentionally have no creed and so, of course, the question they get asked the most is: What do Quakers believe?

George Fox and the Birth of Quakerism

In the mid-1600s, an unusual man named George Fox rejected the religious norms of his day and founded a new radically different faith. Does that matter to Quakers today?

Who Are Modern Quakers?

Quakers identify as everything from evangelicals to atheists. On our first episode, we explore what it means to be a Quaker today.

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Quaker Meeting for Worship

We share three essays written by members of Central Philadelphia Monthly Meeting about their experience of Quaker Meeting for Worship. 

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