Can Somebody Say Amen?: Inside a Kenyan Quaker Church
This week we’re sharing our first international vocal ministry episode by taking you inside a Kenyan service! While visiting Kisumu, Kenya, our colleague, Hannah Mayer got to visit Friends Church Manyatta — a lively evangelical Quaker congregation in the city of Kisumu.
Join us as we hear a message of faith, peace, and new life from Reverend Pamela Igesa as well as songs and testimonials from the congregation.

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Discussion Questions
- What is one portion of Reverend Igesa’s message that stayed with you? Spend time considering why this might be so.
- Friends Church Manyatta seamlessly mixes vocal ministry with music. How can music enhance your worship? If it is already part of your worship, sing or listen to a song that has been meaningful to your worship.
Jon Watts
Hello, dear listeners. It’s Jon here with a quick message before we get started with today’s episode. When we first had the idea for this podcast, we were clear about one thing.
We wanted to make something high quality and that’s because of you, the listener every week, we aim to share stories that are gonna mean something to you and we wanna take you places, take today’s take today’s episode, for example, where we are taking you inside of a Kenyan friends church, that’s a unique experience and it took a lot of coordinating to make that happen.
Making this podcast takes resources.
And that’s why we’re so grateful to the 70 longtime listeners who have been supporting this show every month and the 14 new ones who have signed up in the last 30 days, our fiscal year ends on June 30th and we have a goal of 100 podcast supporters by then.
So please, if you have the capacity, we would love to have your support. We’re looking for 16 more listeners to support us for as little as $5 a month. Just go to Quaker podcast dot com and click on the button that says support.
Thank you so much. Here’s the show.
Reverend Pamela Igesa
Whether you are young, whether you are old, whether you are learned, whether you speak English, you don’t speak English. God does not look at that, but he looks at the heart. The availability of the heart. And he saves these broken hearts.
So we look at Jesus and we say, yes, we are here, God. May you help us as we get your peace that surpasses human understanding.
Thee Quaker Podcast. Story, spirit, sound
I’m Georgia Sparling
I’m Hannah Mayer
And today we’ve got a new vocal ministry episode for you, and it’s our first international one! Woo! So on last week’s episode, which was titled “Quakers in Kenya,” we explored how Quakerism made it to Kenya and what the Kenyan church looks like today.
And so that’s why Hannah is co-hosting again for this episode. She recently visited Kenya, and thankfully she was thankfully there on a Sunday so she could attend worship at a Friends Church.
I did. It was a big highlight of the trip getting to experience Kenyan Friends’ worship.
My husband, Eric, was with me for the service, and right when we pulled up, you could tell it was going to be loud in there — like blow out the speakers kind of loud!
Like most things in Kenya, there were three languages that were seamlessly interwoven into the service: English, Swahili, and the local tribal language, which I think was called Luhya.
And there was a lot of singing and preaching in all three languages, plus some great dancing.
There were also tons of kids wandering in and out of the church from a side-room where they had Sunday school, and you could hear the children singing in their own space in the quieter moments of the service – it was really sweet.
Three of them even performed a choreographed dance at the beginning of the service, which I thought was a really nice way to include young people in the larger community.
Oh yeah that’s really cool. I love when churches make sure the younger members are included. So yeah, I listened to the service and it was as lively as I expected it to be. Um but I also should backup for a second cause I do want to remind everybody what our vocal ministry episodes are about. They’re a way for us to get a peek into a variety of Quaker meetings and to hear spiritual leadings through the vocal ministry that is being shared. I don’t think all vocal ministry is a sermon or preaching, but I’d say today’s vocal ministry episode certainly falls into that category.
Oh yes! Certainly. Yeah, I happened to be in Kenya on Easter Sunday, which is a big deal in the Christian calendar as you know. It’s when we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.
A minister we spoke with before my trip had connected us to a pastor in Kisumu, the city where I was staying. And so I went to meet him a few days before Easter to get a sense of what the church and the service might be like.
Pastor Dominic Museve
My name is Pastor Dominic Museve, pastor of Friends Church Manyatta.
Pastor Museve has spent his career as a pastor. He said his call to be a pastor came around the time he became a Christian in high school.
Pastor Museve
In high school, that was in May, I received Christ, it was in the evening. When someone spoke to me, a voice spoke to me. You know you can be the Light of the world. When I reflect about I being the light of the world, then I get to wonder, that is the position of Christ, will I be able to measure up to that particular position. But now since that day, I began to work in terms of working with the church in the position of spreading the gospel, the good news about Christ. And so, since I joined the seminary, that is FTC, I have had little time in my family or at home because of the need of serving the Lord. And so I moved together with my family to spread the good news. And that’s how passionate I am.
The church does keep him really busy. He’s not only the pastor of Friends Church Manyatta, but also the chair of a church council that presides over four churches in Kisumu. And even without that, church life is busy. They have Sunday worship that starts at 6 a.m. with a service for people who have to go to work, and that service blends in to the next that starts around 8 and goes til after 11.
They have a monthly overnight service, Wednesday prayer meetings, smaller regional sub-groups, and of course he usually preaches on Sunday…except for the week that I visited.
Haha. Oh no!
Oh yes! But it was ok. They actually had a special guest preacher that week named Reverend Pamela Igesa. She teaches at Friends Theological College, which we also talked about on last week’s episode. And Reverend Igesa gave an energetic sermon, which we’re going to hear in a few minutes.
Yes, but first, can you describe the worship service a little bit and I can play a few clips.
Sure. Manyatta has around 70-100 people on any given Sunday, but since this was Easter, it was actually more like 120 people. They had a small band with drums and keyboard, and a crew of incredible singers who sang for, like, well over an hour straight!
And everybody I’m guessing knew that you and Eric were there, right? You didn’t blend in too well.
Nope. No we did not. They could definitely tell that there were visitors there. We actually got brought up to the front of the church to introduce ourselves and what we were up to there. It was not exactly expected, but I did my best to represent us well on the spot.
Pastor Museve
We have got Hannah Mayer and Eric who are also joining us from the US, so I want to welcome them so that they can just say hi to the congregation. Can we clap?
Hello. It’s so good to be here with you. Thank you for having me. As Pastor Museve said…
So yeah, it was pretty cool to be welcomed like that and incredible to just have this whole experience that was so different from my usual Quaker worship practice. I honestly found it super fun. I was singing along incoherently, because I don’t know Swahili or Luhya, and dancing at every opportunity like usual for me.
And then about an hour or so into the service, Reverend Igesa got up to preach, and the whole congregation prayed out loud for her to channel God’s wisdom, which I found really moving. She had this calm and steady energy about her, so it was somewhat surprising how animated things became!
Yeah so, what did you learn about her?
Well, Eric and I did get to speak to her after she preached and as you’re about to hear, the music was still going strong in the background, so it’s a little noisy. But here’s some of my conversation with Reverend Igesa.
Hannah Mayer
How long have you been a pastor, a Quaker pastor?
Reverend Igesa
For over 25 years, since since I was in I was 17 years when I was in middle school. That’s the time when I met Christ. Then, after my fourth form, I was just led to join Theological College, Kaimosi. And when I graduated and when I got married, I was also given a church to pastor for almost around 10 years.
Reverend Igesa also worked as a chaplain, she got her doctorate in counseling and psychology and she has worked for many years at Friends Theological College.
I asked her how she became a Christian.
Reverend Igesa
The there were some preachers who are invited in school to preach to us, and it was a man by the name, gems, who preached a message on 1 Corinthians 1 verses 18, the power of the cross. And he invited us that if you feel like the Christ is, has touched your heart, then kindly come forward and be prayed for. I felt the touch. I went forward, I knelt down, I was prayed for, and my life changed completely.
Reverend Igesa parents were Quaker, so she’d grown up going to church with them, but she’d always been really shy. And then she said she felt the call to become a minister, basically at her mother’s funeral.
Reverend Igesa
I had to stand before congregation and talk about that give a testament about my mother. And there was no shyness in me. That was the end of it. I would now begin preaching and talking to people sitting with people. And I like it.
Oh wow. That’s a life changing moment on multiple levels.
It really is. And that was back in 1987 and I can tell you, Reverend Igesa is definitely not a shy preacher today. She’s bold and unapologetic.
Yeah well, let’s jump into the message then and let our listeners hear it for ourselves.
I’m excited for everyone to hear it, and I want to encourage our listeners to try out a practice that I’ve heard called “listening in tongues.” It means that you seek resonance with what is being said and translate language that might be challenging for you into the words that express the same general thing, but are more meaningful to you. I had a lot of opportunities to “listen in tongues,” and it was a really powerful and moving service when I was listening that way. So, you know, give it a try!
Yeah and you’ll have a chance to listen in tongues as you hear Reverend Igesa’s message, after this short break.
Hello. Hi. Is that Jeff?
Jeff Hirst
Yes, this is Jeff.
Hey Jeff, It’s Jon Watts, how are you?
Fine. How are you?
I’m doing well. Thanks for making a little time to talk with me today. I wonder if we could just start with a with a brief introduction.
Well, I live. My husband and I live in Cleveland Heights, Ohio. I guess I would say that I came into an interest in Quakerism. Through Carrie Newcomer.
I discovered her music first. And then I found out that she does a podcast with Parker Palmer. And I started listening to that. I listen to that every month. In the past 20, 15-20 years, I have considered myself an agnostic. But as sort of a searcher. I’ve been searching recently, and Quakerism, the values of Quakerism have attracted me. And especially as they’ve been espoused by Carrie and Parker. I just I guess, as I get older, I just want to explore my spiritual side, and the values of Quakerism that I’ve read about, you know, supporting peace and equality. And they, they’re, they’re very much aligned with my own values.
Yeah. You wrote in your email that you had recently attended a Quaker meeting for worship on Zoom. What was that experience like for you?
Oh, I sat there and I watched the entire hour and I really enjoyed even the the silent worship. I that intrigues me that actually attracts me. The Presbyterian church that I grew up in was absolutely not a silent worship, silent form of worship. So this was seeing this on Zoom was quite quite an experience for me. I just I liked the concept of the light within everyone. That’s something that I’ve read about. I’m still not a very religious person. But as I said, I’m exploring my spiritual side. And although I don’t really want to pursue any denomination that worships one God, I do like the concept of people being linked to each other, their hearts and souls being linked to each other. In worship and in life in general I just I find that interesting and attractive. Oh, and I should mention that I’ve listened to every single one of your episodes.
Oh, Oh, wonderful. I’m so so glad to hear that. Any, any favorite moments in the podcast that stood out?
Oh yeah. Oh, absolutely. The episode with O, I would love to know her. But she’s the kind of person that’s another reason why I’m attracted to Quakerism. And why I do hope to attend a meeting at some point. I want to meet people like that. I have very few people like that in my in my life right now. But yeah, I want to meet really good people with good open hearts and people who welcomed me as a gay person. And I just people that I’ve encountered online, and through your interviews that you’ve conducted, they just sound like the kind of people that I would love to get to know.
Jon Watts
If you’re like Jeff, or you know, someone like him who is hungry for more connection, stories of spiritual courage, and people like O, we are making this podcast for you. And we’d like to ask for your support. This show is funded by listeners like you. We have a goal of 98 monthly supporters by the end of June. And we currently have 57. So if you want to do us a big favor, please visit, hit the button that says support and sign up for as little as $5 a month that would go along One way to help us keep this show running and reaching listeners like Jeff, that’s and click on Support.
Welcome back. One quick note — we did edit Reverend Igesa’s sermon for time, but I’ll include the whole thing for you to listen to on our website at That is also where you can find a transcript of this episode. Here’s the sermon.
Reverend Igesa
Now this morning we want to move ahead as we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ and that is why we are here. We are here because Jesus conquered death.
I want to talk about the significance of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
There is a song you since “You are Jehovah…[another language]…”
I don’t know whether you are feeling what I’m feeling in my heart. I don’t know. I don’t know. It is only God who understands.
Now, in John chapter 20, verse 9, just the part of it, you know, when we talk about the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, it’s about Jesus. And I can talk, talk and talk much about Jesus because I know who he is in my life.
Now when Jesus was with his disciples, he used to tell them that one day I will resurrect, three days. The temple will be destroyed. They couldn’t understand the language that Jesus was using.
But it happened now that when Jesus died Mary and others, they had rushed to the tomb to see. Is it true that Jesus said he will resurrect? Has he resurrected?
When Jesus has resurrected, he went to the disciples. They were closed in a room. Why? Because of fear of the Jews. But all of a sudden as the doors and windows closed, the Bible tells us, Jesus appeared in their midst. He appeared in their midst. And he said, peace be with you. Why? Because he knew that they were fearful and for them to move on, they needed somebody to encourage them. Can somebody say amen? Can somebody say amen? The resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead is the central fact of Christian history. On it, the church is built.
Without it, there would be no Christian church today.
Only Christianity has a God who became human, literally, died for his people and was raised again in power and glory to rule his church forever.
The resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ demonstrates the peace that is available to Christians. We have the peace of God. And that’s why he said, “peace be with you.” Because in you, you are very fearful. In life, you’re surrounded with issues, surrounded with challenges. There are many things that you feel like that could be hindering you from moving forward.
There’s some things that you may not even speak of them just because you fear the consequences of it. But then Jesus is reminding us that once we have His peace, it’s the peace that goes beyond human understanding and it overcomes fear. Can somebody say amen? Can somebody say amen? There is no fear. When Jesus came, He entered in a room, He was in their midst.
They didn’t realize but he said, “peace be with you.”
And there was order in that.
It begins in the mind.
It enters into our hearts, then it goes outside whereby we experience peace within ourselves. That is peace between us and him God. We have the peace, our peace within us and God. We have the peace between us and others.
You can find yourself in a situation whereby you have no peace with your husband, you have no peace with your wife, you have no peace with your employer, but you claim, you pretend to be a Christian. But Jesus says that once you get that peace, you get his peace, then he enables you to live a life that he wants to live, a perfect life.
The peace of this Jesus goes beyond classism, hostility, nepotism in our environment, in our society, in our churches.
It is a piece that we look at others and you accept them the way they are. With no limitations. We don’t segregate others because of the peace that Jesus has given us.
The peace between us and our own souls. Very important.
When your soul is at peace with God, then you find favor before the Lord.
And he says, “my peace I give to you not as the world gives”. And the church says amen. Yes! It’s not the peace that I give to you. It’s very different.
It is not limited in one way or another. This peace creates new life and prepares us for the second coming.
It opens a door. New way of life. New perception. The way we look at things, the way we receive Jesus, the way we work together as a team, the way we respond to issues. We have the peace of God and the peace of mind.
Another significance of the resurrection of Christ is that it demonstrates the purpose for Christians existence. We exist so that we may do the will of the Father. The will of God. And that’s why Jesus prayed that Father let your will be done. What is the will of God? The will of God is that will may be saved. That’s what Paul says in Romans chapter 10 from verses 1: “My plea for you is that you may get saved.”
Some of us, our hearts, we can’t believe that Jesus is there. We come to church. We are preached to, but we cannot believe that there is power behind the resurrection of our Lord Jesus, because this power can change our situations.
So we are here to do the will of God. We are to represent Christ in the world. And he says, “I’m sending you to extend my peace, my light, my truth, and my life in the world. I’m going to my father, but I give you my spirit. Go and glorify me.”
We glorify God. We are the ambassadors of all of Jesus Christ. Whether you are young, whether you are old, whether you are military, one way or another, Christ does not look at us. He doesn’t look at that. He looks at the heart, the availability of the heart.
Remember Jesus was here for only three days and he caused an impact, a big impact. So when we hear the word of God, we receive the word of God, we carry the word of God to other people because that is our purpose for existence. That’s why we exists.
The resurrection demonstrates the purpose for Christian hope. We have hope in our resurrection.
So we are saved. The resurrection of our Jesus Christ gives us hope that when we die, we will live.
That is our hope for Christians. That when we die in the north, we will resurrect again. We need the church so that the Spirit of God can [unintelligible] our minds, our hearts. When we preach about these things, are we following, are we doing these things? Are we putting these things in action? Because [unintelligible] will say that I gave some, there were people in the world, I send them to preach this message.
Did you forgive your brother?
Did you forgive your husband? You were overtaken by pride. There was no commitment. You are not kind to others. Those values, they shape our Christian way of life.
Also in Philippians, chapter two, about the humility of our Lord Jesus Christ that he laid aside his privileges and rights for the sake of my life. And that’s what Christ wants us to do. We live a life, an extraordinary life, because we have God in us with power and authority who changes what man cannot do. Can somebody say amen? Yes.
This is Jesus that we preach about. He does miracles. I’ve seen Christ heal somebody with throat cancer after praying for that woman who was taken to Eldoret, but the doctor decided to send her back home. And I talked to her, what do you want? She said, I want to be healed, pastor. I prayed. I said, can you confess?
We made confession. The first date was in the evening around 7 p.m. In the morning, I met her uncle. They said she has second poorly, after a week. She survived for over 20 years. She just died not of cancer, but she lived [unintelligible] for Jesus.
You know you talk such a kind of speech to other people saying no, can it happen? You doubt I have no time to make an argument with you? Because one thing I know, Jesus did it forever. And he did it once and for all.
And then lastly, the resurrection of our Lord demonstrates the power that is available to the Christians. The power. The power that is available to Christians.
We are talking about authority. Authority that is invested in the word of God. And this power is available when you read Colossians, chapter two, verses 11 to 12. It’s available at our conversion when we confess with our lips that Jesus is Lord. We get that power.
And remember when the disciples were in the room when they were praying, they were filled in the power of the Holy Spirit. And I want to tell us, Church without the Holy Spirit, we cannot make it. The person without Him, we cannot make it. We don’t go out of the church looking for those signs out there. The signs are here. They are with us. They are with you.
They are in your lips. Yes. Just confess and believe that the Lord can do it. The power of this authority destroys sin that surrounds us.
You know, Jesus, when he resurrected, he has power over sin. So whichever things that are surrounding you and holding you, making you not to succeed, making you to stumble in your salvation, you get this power, authority, and you speak confidently the word of God. And the devil runs away.
See, there’s no need to control. And you say that, you know, pastor, I was born in this nature. In my family, we marry more than two wives, and so I have that lust of flesh. It’s just about, just because we don’t get to understand the secret of confession. So only those who are accepting signs and wonders shall follow and they are able to do extraordinary things, walk in the ways of God. The lives where by you live a repentant life: my eyes, sanctify my lips, my heart, even if I have very bad thoughts, my mind, my heart has told very bad things, my mind has captured very bad things. Forgive me, forgive me and transform my mind as Paul says in Romans, chapter 12, from verse 1 to 2.
Can I just say amen? Transformation of the mind.
Whether you are young, whether you are old, whether you are learned, whether you speak English, you don’t speak English. God does not look at that, but he looks at the heart. The availability of the heart. And he saves these broken hearts.
So we look at Jesus and we say, yes, we are here, God. May you help us as we get your peace that surpasses human understanding. That we get your power that is available to all Christians. That we have a purpose for us to exist. That we have hope in you Jesus, eternal hope that when we die we will be with you in heaven. And may the church say Amen. Amen. That is why we are here. The purpose of the church.
Look at yourself. Think of yourself. Think about your family. Think about your husband. Think about your wife. Think about your children. Your grandchildren. Think about the neighbors. Your closest neighbors. Are you somebody that people can look at and feel like, I want to emulate. One day we give an accountable to God.
Taking the word of God, implementing it in your life, work on it. That’s what he said when he went that I’m leaving you a map. Preach the good news and the good news is Jesus Christ.
Praise the living name of Lord Jesus Christ. Yes, the doctors, before they walk in that room, they clear the room, they have to confess. Their son was saved. They’ll confess and say that I’m using the knowledge that I read in books. I want to do my work, but it’s God who heals. They confess that. Great theologians who have gone through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, they confess that Jesus is Lord.
And if great people can confess that Jesus is Lord then who are you?
Not to make us tell God, no, Lord, I need that change. I need to open that situation, that burden. [Different language].
This time tell God, no, I want you to run roll away that stone. I want to seek you diligently. I want to have you this year 2024. That I may live a perfect life.
[Different language.]
Where do you need the assistance of our Lord Jesus Christ? Let the power of the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ cause an impact in your life today.
And it will only happen when you open up your heart and tell Jesus that I am here.
He is available, he is with us, his presence is here. The presence of the Lord Jesus Christ is here. If it’s about any sickness, about my car, the one I have come by has become a stumbling block, is God will have to run away. It is through faith, you just believe that God by His [unintelligible] at calvary, I confess healing. Confessing upon my wife, my husband, my children, myself.
I confess this problem to you that you take it away. I want my body and my life to be light.
There is a song, I don’t know if you know it, don’t know, but we will have to join another song.
That was a really powerful message. I like the fire she brought to it.
Right? She was really in it!
So what was it like for you as someone coming from silent meetings? Like how did this resonate with you?
Well I was really exercising my “listening in tongues” skills, and to be honest some of it felt kind of untranslatable. But there was so much that did resonate, including some of the big themes. You know, in my mind, Reverend Igesa was talking about the power and possibility of transformation, like really showing up fully and letting yourself be changed. And I think about that in day-to-day life. And then there was the focus on how we are living, like being kind, not holding grudges, being humble. Oh and asking for help when you’re struggling. So yeah, that’s all stuff that I really benefited from hearing and could use reinforcing on the regular, honestly.
But I also wanted to share a little more about some others’ experience of the sermon. After the service, my husband Eric and I walked around talking to congregants to find out how they had received the message. And Eric actually spoke with this woman named Anne Masya. She usually worships at Friends Church Airport, which is one of the Quaker churches related to Friends Church Manyatta.
Here’s what she said about the experience of attending worship that day.
What did you find powerful today about the service?
Anne Masya
The word. The word today was powerful. It really actually entered into me and I felt like truly Jesus resurrected for all of us and we just have to worship this God. He’s a wonderful God.
I saw you in front, kneeling in the front. What did if feel like in that part of the service for you?
Today the word just touched me and I felt like I need just to go back to God. You see, the Lord reminds us to renew our salvation every day when we have the opportunity because we don’t know the day or the hour. You might be taken any day but you need to go when you are ready. And when the trumpet will sound you need to be like, just resurrected with God.
The whole service really impacted her spiritual life. I love how she phrased her experience.
Yeah, she was one of many sharing these really powerful and vulnerable testimonies. People got up and shared things God had done in their lives or ways that they needed God’s help. I found that to be a really beautiful expression of faith and trust in the community.
I also asked Reverend Igesa how giving her sermon affected her. I asked a question that you and Jon often ask our vocal ministry guests about how it feels in your body to deliver the sermon. Here’s what she said.
Reverend Igesa
I feel relieved, I feel that joy. I feel like Christ would also actually lead this other people so that they can also feel what I’m feeling.
Hannah 10:46
Thank you so much.
Reverend Igesa 10:56
Thank you so much. Asante sana. Karibu tena. You’re most welcome back again.
Thank you so much for taking us on this journey, Hannah.
I mean, it was the experience of a lifetime.
Thank you for listening and thank you to Friends Church Manyatta, Pastor Museve and Reverend Igesa for being guests on this episode.
If you’d like to hear Reverend Igesa’s full sermon, head over to our website at We also have a transcript of today’s episode and discussion questions. And if you missed last week’s episode, please go back and check out Quakers in Kenya to hear more about the faith and practices of Friends in East Africa. It’s a great listen.
This episode was recorded by Hannah Mayer and produced by me, Georgia Sparling. Jon Watts wrote and performed the music.
Thee Quaker Podcast is a part of Thee Quaker Project, a Quaker media organization whose focus is on lifting up voices of spiritual courage and giving Quakers a platform in 21st Century Media. If you want to partner with us, please consider becoming a monthly supporter. Every contribution expands our capacity to tell Quaker stories in a fresh way, and it makes this project more sustainable. Visit for more information, and now for Your Moment of Quakers Zen.
Your moment of Quaker Zen was read by Grace Gonglewski.
Grace Gonglewski
Caroline Stephen, 1890: A true mystic believes that all men have, as he himself is conscious of having, an inward life, into which as into a secret chamber, he can retreat at will. In this inner chamber he finds a refuge from the ever-changing aspects of outward existence; from the multitude of cares and pleasures and agitations which belong to the life of the senses and the affections; from human judgements; from all change, and chance, and turmoil, and distraction. He finds there, first repose, then an awful guidance; a light which burns and purifies; a voice which subdues; he finds himself in the presence of God.
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We’ll be back in two weeks with our next episode.
Recorded, written, and edited by Georgia Sparling. Cohosted by Hannah Mayer.
Original music and sound design by Jon Watts (Listen to more of Jon’s music here.)
Mixed and mastered by Studio D.
Supported by listeners like you (thank you!!)
Referenced in this episode: