Our Season 1 main character is James Nayler. 

Naylor was an early Quaker who doesn’t get talked about much because he’s generally considered an embarrassment to the early movement. But we think his story is worth exploring, as it raises questions essential to Quaker theology:

  • If Christ is in all of us what does that mean for the individual? What is the community’s role?
  • Where is the boundary between courageousness and foolishness? 
  • As a de-centralized religion focused on the collective experience, what is our relationship to charismatic leaders?

Below you’ll find all 23 of the episodes from Season 1 of Thee Quaker Podcast.

Who Are Modern Quakers?

Quakers identify as everything from evangelicals to atheists. On our first episode, we explore what it means to be a Quaker today.

George Fox and the Birth of Quakerism

In the mid-1600s, an unusual man named George Fox rejected the religious norms of his day and founded a new radically different faith. Does that matter to Quakers today?
Image of an audio interview with two women

Quaker Meeting for Worship

We share three essays written by members of Central Philadelphia Monthly Meeting about their experience of Quaker Meeting for Worship.