A Quaker Pacifist Joins the Military
How do you trust a divine calling that seems to go against your community’s most cherished value: peace?
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How do you trust a divine calling that seems to go against your community’s most cherished value: peace?
Sarah and Angelina Grimke were bold advocates for abolition and women’s rights. How did they disappear from history?
In the mid-1600s, an unusual man named George Fox rejected the religious norms of his day and founded a new radically different faith. Does that matter to Quakers today?
Quakers identify as everything from evangelicals to atheists. On our first episode, we explore what it means to be a Quaker today.
Join us as we explore stories of spiritual courage and the big questions about modern life and spirituality.
You've reached the end! (or is it the beginning?)
You've reached the end! (or is it the beginning?)