Thee Quaker Podcast brings stories of spiritual courage to your ears.

Quakers (aka the Religious Society of Friends) have always wrestled with big questions in their search for spiritual truth. Thee Quaker Podcast is a continuation of that 400-year-old tradition — we’re digging deep to search for innovative stories that explore themes of faith, conviction, and doubt.

George Fox, one of the founders of Quakerism, believed there was “that of God” in everyone, and a “great people to be gathered.” Whether you are a lifelong Quaker, seeking a spiritual home, or simply passing by out of curiosity, we know you will find something that speaks to you in our podcast feed every week.

Trust us… for a group of people known for sitting quietly in worship, things can get kind of wild.

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Thee Quaker Podcast comes out every Wednesday. Subscribe here.

Our Team

Jon Watts
Co-host & Executive Producer

Jon Watts is a Quaker media creator and spiritual entrepreneur. He has been called a “spiritual entrepreneur.” As a songwriter, Jon toured the world sharing stories of the Early Friends and his own spiritual journey growing up in a Quaker intentional community and attending the Quaker Leadership Scholars Program at Guilford College.

Jon’s unique success promoting his music in the early days of Youtube led him to found the QuakerSpeak video project, for which he spent six years traveling, interviewing Friends, and publishing a video every week. By the end of his tenure in 2020, the project had over 4 million views.

In 2022, Jon embarked on a new journey: envisioning a future for Friends and online media. The resulting startup organization, Thee Quaker Project aims to bring Quakerism into the internet age.

Jon Watts is a member of Central Philadelphia Monthly Meeting, which holds his ministry under its care.

Georgia Sparling
Co-host & Producer

Georgia Sparling is a multimedia journalist from the Deep South. She has written for print and online publications in Shanghai, China, Mississippi, and Massachusetts.

Before joining Thee Quaker Podcast, Georgia created and produced the award-winning Why We Write podcast and an award-winning newsletter at Lesley University.

As part of Christian communities since high school, Georgia has long been interested in exploring stories at the intersection of faith and culture — especially when they take unexpected turns.

When not podcasting, Georgia is usually practicing pottery, reading, or making something in the kitchen.

We’d love to hear from you. Contact us.